22 Critical Leverage Points That Transformed My Life

22 Critical Leverage Points That Transformed My Life

Below, I've curated a collection of 22 Breakthrough Leverage Points, documented from my entrepreneurial journey. The last 5 years have been a wild ride, and these insights could help you in a pinch. A few of them have literally saved me from going off the deep end.

The power lies in simplicity: most of the items on the list are easy to understand, but a bit tougher to make into habits. Often they just take a shift in perspective to activate. This list is just as much a reminder to myself as it is a helper for anybody dealing with the pressures of running a business and maintaining health and some form of masochistic happiness in the process. It's all about the process, right?


To get access, you can subscribe to "Der Hebel," an email I send to my subscribers every Thursday. I write a 2-to-3-minute email with key "Leverage Points" (the German word for Leverage is "Hebel") from my 17-year journey of owning businesses, raising kids, and actually staying sane while doing it 🖖 (that last part is a lie). Only insanely hard workouts and Wim Hof breathing keep me sane—and only when I actually do them, hence the list below!

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